
Simple and Streamlined Lending Solutions for your Business

Glider’s APIs allow you to embed financing functions within your app. Our implementation guides provide step-by-step walk-throughs of the technical integration you’ll need to do as well as context you’ll need to understand for launching and supporting new products. 

3 Easy Steps

1. Sandbox Access

Our Sales Team will set you up for Sandbox access and provide the keys to get started.

2. API Documentation & Postman Collection

In most use cases, you will be able to simply cut and paste code from our API Documentation into your application to get going.

3. Test

We give our to-be partners full access to our feature set in the sandbox environment so there are no surprises when you go live. 

4. Launch

Update your keys to production and Go Live. 

To find out more about
what Glider can do, get in touch